Join Rotarians for Hearing RAG
Cost to join.
US $10.00 for one year/ $25.00 for 3 years / $100.00 for life membership
Credit Card and PayPal Accepted
See Donate/Join for PayPal and Credit Card instructions.
Make out checks to Rotarians for Hearing RAG
Mail to:
Ellen Haggerty, Hearing RAG, 88 Quarfelt Road, Clinton Corners, NY 12514USA
Rotary Club:____________________________________________________________________________
Rotaractor Club:__________________________________________________________________________
Rotary District or MultiDistrict:_________________________________________________________________________
Email Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:__________________________________________________________________________
Period of Payment:________One Year ($10)_______3 Years ($25)______________Life ($100.)___________
Who can join?
All Rotarians and their spouses and Rotaractors who are interested in (or even passionate about) helping children and adults with hearing loss in their communities and around the world reach their potential.
Why Join Hearing Rotary Action Group?
Learn about Hearing Loss and how you can help yourself and others reach their potential.
Receive discounts on hearing loss consumer electronics products and services.
Hearing Rotary Action Group members can support and create existing projects that
*Provide affordable hearing aids to needy children and adults
*Provide primary ear car that can lower hearing loss by 50%
*Provide more Audiological services in underserved areas
*Provide help with cochlear implants and deaf education
*Provide guidance and encouragement to Rotary Clubs, Districts and Multi-Districts to offer Hearing Induction Loops and other Hearing Amplification Systems and Captioning Services to help Rotarians with mild, moderate, severe, and profound hearing loss get more out of Rotary Club meetings, District, Multi-District and Rotary International Conferences to help with member retention and attract new members.