Donate or Join

If you are a Rotarian, Spouse of a Rotarian or Rotaractor, you can join Rotarians for Hearing RAG as a member of Hearing Rotary Action Group

by mailing a check to Hearing Rotary Action Group

c/o Ellen Haggerty

186 Creek Road

Pleasant Valley, New York 12569 USA

or using PayPal or a Credit Card

Donate to RHAG



Featured International Project Donation: Donations from Rotarian and non-Rotarians are for the Pleasant Valley Rotary Club Hearing Accessibility Projects in the USA and around the world.

Costs to join.

US $10 for one year;  $25 for 3 years; $100 for Life

Email to

Name _____________________________________________________________________________

Rotary Club_________________________________________________________________________

Rotaractor Club______________________________________________________________________

Rotary District or Multi-District___________________________________________________________

Email Address_______________________________________________________________________

Mailing Address______________________________________________________________________


Period of Payment _____________One Year ($10)  ______________3 Years($25)__________________

Life ($100)_______________________

Who can join?

All Rotarians add their spouses and Rotaractors who are interested or even passionate about helping children and adults with

hearing loss in their communities and around the world to reach their potential.

Benefits of Membership:

Discounts on Hearing Loss technology devises

Help support large scale humanitarian projects to help children and adults with hearing loss reach their potential at home and around the world.